Without pain and with functionality: The essence of every physical therapy practice

All individuals who exercise, along with the benefits of sports, are quite often injured due to accidents or overuse, which lead to pain and dysfunction. We naturally reach the same state of pain and dysfunction due to aging or due to poor use of our bodies, such as sedentary lifestyle. However, many chronic conditions or accidents and injuries in our everyday lives can lead to pain and movement dysfunction. Physical therapy means restoring any dysfunction and pain and returning, without risk of recurrence, to a good physical condition.

The services of the P/T PRAXIS program
Sports Injuries

Professional or amateur, athletes often experience injuries that lead to injuries.

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Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, office/desk work, excessive bodyweight, sudden moves, discopathy, etc.

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Upper Extremities

Shoulder, Elbow, Hand: Traumatic or non-traumatic conditions.

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Lower Extremities

Hip, knee, and ankle constitute three regions of the lower extremities, the conditions of which are characterized by pain and dysfunction.

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Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

Pain and dysfunction during chewing or when the mouth is opened excessively for dental or other reasons?

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Did you ask your gynecologist or the multidisciplinary team of doctors involved in your treatment about any of these symptoms you might be experiencing?