Sports injuries


Sports Injuries

Whether professionals or not, athletes often suffer injuries. Many of these are the result of the daily strain that they undergo for long periods of time, with the most common symptoms being pain, swelling, movement dysfunction, and deformation of the injured area. PT PRAXIS® works methodically towards functional rehabilitation with sound scientific knowledge and experience, with the ultimate goal being to safely return to sports, without setbacks, with good understanding for the need of the tissues to recover, without aggressive interventions and omissions of recovery phases. 

Orthopedic and Sports Physio
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Orthopedic and Sports Physio
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The rest factors

Lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, office/desk work, excessive bodyweight, sudden moves, discopathy, etc.

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Upper Extremities

Shoulder, Elbow, Hand: Traumatic or non-traumatic conditions.

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Lower Extremities

Hip, knee, and ankle constitute three regions of the lower extremities, the conditions of which are characterized by pain and dysfunction.

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Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

Pain and dysfunction during chewing or when the mouth is opened excessively for dental or other reasons?

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