As you walk, you unfold whatever happens to your body, with the ``power`` of the foot scan.

Have you ever wondered what happens in your body every time your foot hits the ground? Do you know that through the analysis of your walking pattern, musculoskeletal disorders, neuromuscular disorders, as well as balance and coordination walking disorders can be identified? Through the construction of specialized orthotics, the lower limbs and the spine can be supported and relieved of pressure. And all this with FIT2Feet®, the PT PRAXIS® program that “records – analyzes – corrects” dozens of painful and dysfunctional movement conditions. Learn which ones.

FIT2Feet® Services
Foot Analysis & Postural Evaluation

Every time our foot touches the ground, our joints, muscles, nervous system, and vascular system are affected.

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As you walk, you unfold whatever happens to your body, with the “power” of the foot scan.

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Have you asked your gynaecologist or the multidisciplinary team of doctors who helped treat you about any of these symptoms that may be happening to you?