Bladder Dysfunction

The Pelvic Floor Act ®

Bladder Dysfunction

What is and isn’t normal in urination? Does your mind “focus” on the bladder many more times throughout the day, besides only when you feel the need to urinate? Did you know that the muscles of your pelvic floor play a significant role in bladder function? Did you know which these muscles are? They are the ones that under “normal” circumstances, give you the ability to “control” your bladder, allowing you to urinate whenever you need to, and when they fail to function, urination and everything related to it becomes a problem for you.

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The rest factors
Bowel Dysfunction

The normal, healthy function of the bowel provides relief.

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Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Prolapse of the uterus,urine bladder, intestines and/or rectum.

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Sexual Dysfunction

Maintaining an erection, the rapid contraction of the muscles that work together to achieve orgasm, ejaculation, are all processes that are accompanied by pleasure and under normal circumstances should not be associated with pain, discomfort and frustration.

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Pelvic Pain

One in three women and one in ten men will experience pelvic pain at some point in their lives due to dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles.

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