Physical therapy in women's health for the female body going through changes.

Can physical therapy be aimed at restoring problems related to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause (natural or induced), and what are these problems?


Pain during intercourse

after childbirth, breast cancer treatment, or gynecological cancer?


Urinary incontinence

after pregnancy?


Bloated tummy

months after childbirth?


Postural misalignment

when the body is no longer ” lifting” the weight of the tummy?

The M.A.M.A.® program services
Pregnancy / Childbirth

Musculoskeletal changes affect the pelvic floor, posture, abdominal muscles, leading to other problems.

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Breast Health & Syndrome of Menopause

What does genitourinary syndrome mean? Do you happen to have heard of it as premature menopause syndrome?

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The Pelvic Floor During Pregnancy

Pelvic Floor dysfunction after pregnancy involves a wide range of symptoms, with urinary incontinence being the most common one.

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Gynecological / Obstetric Surgeries

How can a woman recover painlessly after gynecological or obstetric surgery and return to her daily life?

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Did you ask your gynecologist or the multidisciplinary team of doctors who contributed to your treatment about any of these symptoms that might be happening to you?